When asked as a kid “what do you want to be when you grow up?”, I always answered either “a doctor” or “an ambassador”. Both would allow me to invest my innate compassion, curiosity and cross- cultural interests in caring for people and making the world a better place.
While I’ve not officially become either of those, my life path and career choices have actually led me to many adventures around the world, eventually into a career as a neuro-science-based ‘brain trainer’ (GameChangerThinking.com) and promoter of various causes that elevate humanity. Not so far off the mark…
As a chronic over-achiever who felt driven to ‘do it all’, I pursued a wide range of interests from a young age. As an ideator and connector, I was naturally able to come up with creative ideas and cross-reference a range of issues, looking for distinctions, nuances and deeper meaning behind the human experience. Being a ‘conscious parent’ of 3 high achievers and lovely, caring souls is also a grand part of my journey, along with living in several different countries.
I always felt some force of Destiny nipping at my heels to propel me forward: to be a true friend, to try new things, to do good, to be of service, to share my ideas and intuitions….which frankly weren’t always appreciated! I was called a Pollyanna and Goody-Two-Shoes (and worse)…but I think I was just an eager optimist and a bit ahead of the times at times.
From a young age, I was often asked, even by adults, for advice about relationships, big life choices and mediating or solving conflicts. I think it’s partly because I was able to listen deeply, consider multiple points of view fairly and not be pulled into the drama and trauma of their issues.
So I eased into coaching, professionally, after decades of facilitating in-person and online live trainings and workshops for corporate teams, academics and students, public sector staff, entrepreneurs and socially conscious changemakers.
Now, as a Baby Boomer myself, I see many of my peers wondering: “Is this all there is?” “I’m not done yet, but what should I do next?” Or, “I buried my dreams for ages, but now I’m not sure if it’s too late to live them out, or how I would go about it…” Or even, “What could I ever do that would make a real difference?” Can you relate?
What an explosion of talent and goodwill waiting to be liberated then harnessed, both for personal peace of mind and fulfillment as well as for global benefit! I believe I can help by being a conduit for birthing your latent dreams, a provocateur of possibility, a curator of creative living and giving and a strategist for designing your unique Living Legacy. This, in turn, is part of mine!
Are you game to join me to choose and design your next-steps for a life that’s thrilling and fulfilling?