My approach to Legacy Strategy Coaching gives you a few options depending on the time and resources you want to invest, whether you prefer an individual immersion Legacy Strategy Day (in person or digital) or whether you enjoy the community aspect of online interactive group coaching along with self-paced online learning, nowadays called a hybrid approach.
Sometimes we host in-person retreats, such as the Living Legacy Camp, along with having courses and books available online.
In any case the goals and desired outcomes of the programs are described for each, but are fulfilled by you discovering, designing and reaching your own goals with in those frameworks.
My style is to combine personalized group coaching along with learning tutorials which provide you with tools and skill-building for growth and empowerment, assessments for awareness and a Legacy Strategy Map for you to keep track of your progress and aim for the results you choose.
On regular calls, I offer shortcuts in using your tools that will:
- save you time on various creative and thinking tasks
- save you money by reaching your goals in less time using fewer expensive resources and
- lower your risk in going for what you want by having support & like-minded colleagues along your journey.
As a Provocateur of Possibility, one of my gifts is to help you generate alternative perspectives and an expanded perception of your situation, so be prepared to be ‘challenged’ in this playful way. While on calls for questions & answers or coaching on your specific issues, I listen deeply and feel into insights and distinctions that will assist you, and the community, to move the needle.
And while we will be focusing on aspects of creating your ideal life of creative living and giving and designing your own Living Legacy, I do handle gently the inner journey of discovery and recovery that goes along with this goal.
So please know you are in safe hands which will also help launch you on the next phase of your life journey to a life and lifestyle that is both thrilling and fulfilling, however you define that.
Yes, on one hand this is an individual journey of discovery, but with enough of us deciding that we’ll feature in our later years not as ‘elderly’ but as ‘elders’; wise, respected members of society who are still thriving, vibrant and willing to engage with our younger generations, then we can effectively start a movement. It will unleash an abundance of talent well-quiped and ready to tackle real-world challenges and bring new ideas into play for the betterment of the greater-good. Us included. How cool is that!