Here are some of what you can expect to experience and gain in our coaching programs:
- Expand your point of view of what’s possible & desirable for you at this age & stage of life
- Explore your past and choose in the present your ideal future lifestyle
- Prepare ahead of time for life after ‘retirement’
- Play with what ‘creative living and giving’ might look like for you
- Assess what it would take to make them a reality
- Reduce the uncertainty of wondering ‘what’s next’?
Learn new thinking & creativity tools to make your life easier, more organized & more fun:
- Revisit your identity- Who are you, really?
- Take inventory of your life resources
- Assess past experiences and skills in your toolkit
- Take stock of where you are now in various aspects of life
- Revisit old dreams and adventures you either release or choose to make happen
- Tune into new or emerging dreams
- Re-invigorate key relationships
- Release or address regrets
- Add more fun and joy in your life
- Tap into what truly matters to you now
- Review and revitalize your Bucket List
- Re-discover or update your life purpose
- Formulate a renewed vision to guide you transitioning to your next stage of life
- Identify if you feel a Calling to Contribute
- Create or select a person, place or project to invest your Life-Force-Focus in
- Live a meaningful life on terms you define
- Decide what a thrilling and fulfilling lifestyle looks and feels like
- Engage loved ones in your vision now you can describe it
- Craft a Living Legacy worthy of you
- Map out your Legacy Strategy Journey as a guidepost
Leave your legacy by design, not by default and ultimately, design a life and lifestyle you love.
Even if you just address several of these benefits or outcomes, wouldn’t it add to the richness of your life and lifestyle?
Even if you just clear up some niggling old issues or concerns and come up-to-date with where you are in your life now, wouldn’t that allow for greater peace of mind as you are facing one of life’s major transitions?
And on a lighter note, most of us haven’t unleashed our imaginations and creativity unabashedly for a long time. How fun is it to do just that on our own life and the potential ripple effect we can still have on a larger scale.
Baby Boomers have led the way since our youth in the 1960’s, innovating most every aspect of life. Why should life after traditional retirement be any different?
As a social force, just imagine how powerful a contribution we would, indeed, will, make when we unleash the power of our collective creativity and good will rolled back into personal fulfillment coupled with a smorgasbord of community contributions.
Are you in?
Click here to choose your adventure.